GLR Week 1 Question Preview (ID: 16929)
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BONUS GREEK/LATIN ROOT: What does -dent-/-odon- mean?
a) tooth
b) foot
c) hand
d) skin
What does -ped-/-pes- mean?
a) skin
b) eye
c) heart
d) foot
What does -man- mean?
a) foot
b) hand
c) body
d) heart
BONUS GREEK/LATIN ROOT: What does -mus- mean?
a) skin
b) mind, soul, spirit
c) stomach
d) little mouse
What does -derm- mean?
a) tooth
b) eye
c) skin
d) hand
What does -opt- mean?
a) heart
b) body
c) eye
d) mind, soul, spirit
What does -cor-/-cord-/-card-/-cour- mean?
a) mind, soul, spirit
b) hand
c) tooth
d) heart
What does -corp- mean?
a) stomach
b) tooth
c) body
d) little mouse
What does -psych- mean?
a) mind, soul, spirit
b) little mouse
c) hand
d) heart
What does -gastr(o)- mean?
a) hand
b) foot
c) tooth
d) stomach
Metacognition means thinking about your thinking. Which of these words is the closest synonym?
a) reflection
b) connotation
c) brain
d) school
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