Ready To Work -Hotel And Restaurant Jobs -Lesson 1- Game 1 Question Preview (ID: 15978)
Game 1.
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a) A person who cooks at a fancy or a table service restaurant
b) Someone who is buying something
c) Something we can do or have learned to do
d) A person who works at the desk of a hotel and helps customers check into the hotel
a) Someone who is buying something
b) A person who works at the desk of a hotel and helps customers check into the hotel
c) A person who cooks at a fancy or a table service restaurant
d) A way of guaranteeing you have a room or ticket at a location
a) A person who works at the desk of a hotel and helps customers check into the hotel
b) A way of guaranteeing you have a room or ticket at a location
c) A person who is employed to take payments from customers and put the money and receipts in a safe place.
d) Someone who is buying something
hotel clerk
a) A person who works at the desk of a hotel and helps customers check into the hotel
b) A way of guaranteeing you have a room or ticket at a location
c) A person who is employed to take payments from customers and put the money and receipts in a safe place.
d) A person who works in a restaurant who brings you what you need in order to eat a meal.
a) A person who is employed to take payments from customers and put the money and receipts in a safe place.
b) A way of guaranteeing you have a room or ticket at a location
c) A person who works in a restaurant who brings you what you need in order to eat a meal.
d) A business
a) A person who works in a restaurant who brings you what you need in order to eat a meal.
b) A business
c) A person who is employed to take payments from customers and put the money and receipts in a safe place.
d) Short note
food server
a) A business
b) Short note
c) When someone tells you to do something in a certain way.
d) A person who works in a restaurant who brings you what you need in order to eat a meal.
a) A business
b) When someone tells you to do something in a certain way.
c) A business that prepares food quickly and usually has a ready made menu.
d) Short note
a) A business that prepares food quickly and usually has a ready made menu.
b) Usually a small type of restaurant that serves breakfast or sand which items
c) A restaurant in which customers sit down and orders are taken and food prepared based on what the customers wants to eat.
d) Short note
a) A business that prepares food quickly and usually has a ready made menu.
b) Usually a small type of restaurant that serves breakfast or sand which items
c) A restaurant in which customers sit down and orders are taken and food prepared based on what the customers wants to eat.
d) When someone tells you to do something in a certain way.
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