Physical Science Review 1.1 Question Preview (ID: 15976)
What Is Physical Science?
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Which of the following is an observation?
a) You see a teacher carrying a stack of papers
b) The teacher is carrying quizzes
c) If the teacher is carrying a stack of papers, then they are probably quizzes
d) none of the choices
Which of the following is a prediction?
a) You see a teacher carrying a stack of papers
b) The teacher is carrying quizzes
c) If the teacher is carrying a stack of papers, then they are probably quizzes
d) none of the choices
Which of the following is an inference?
a) You see a teacher carrying a stack of papers
b) The teacher is carrying quizzes
c) If the teacher is carrying a stack of papers, then they are probably quizzes
d) none of the choices
I have $50 in my wallet is a
a) quantitative observation
b) qualitative observation
c) quasi observation
d) quarry observation
I have a lot of money in my wallet is a
a) qualitative observation
b) quantitative observation
c) quasi observation
d) quarry observation
observations can also be called
a) evidence or data
b) evidence or noticements
c) noticements or data
d) evidence, noticements, or data
Chemistry is the
a) study of the properties of matter and how matter changes
b) study of matter and energy and how they interact
c) the study of the natural world
d) study of the ability to do work
Physics is the
a) study of matter and energy and how they interact
b) study of the properties of matter and how matter changes
c) the study of the natural world
d) study of the ability to do work
_____________ is the ability to do work or _____________
a) energy; cause change
b) matter; cause change
c) energy; take up space
d) matter; take up space
____________ is anything that has mass and ______________
a) energy; causes change
b) matter; causes change
c) energy; takes up space
d) matter; takes up space
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