Dynamics And Tempo Question Preview (ID: 15973)
This Will Test You On Dynamics And Tempo Terms Used In Music.
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Tempo is a musical term that means
a) how hard the music is played
b) how loud or how soft the music is performed
c) how fast or how slow the music is performed
d) how long the music it played
Presto means
a) fast
b) very fast
c) walking speed
d) slow
Adagio means
a) slow
b) very slow
c) walking speed
d) fast
Allegro means
a) fast
b) very slow
c) moderate
d) very fast
Largo means
a) very slow
b) very fast
c) slow
d) loud
Moderato means
a) very fast
b) fast
c) medium volume
d) moderate speed
Andante means
a) very fast
b) fast
c) walking speed
d) very slow
Crescendo means
a) gradually louder
b) gradually softer
c) gradually slower
d) gradually faster
Decrescendo means
a) gradually louder
b) gradually softer
c) gradually slower
d) gradually faster
Forte or (f) means
a) very loud
b) soft
c) loud
d) very soft
mezzo forte means
a) medium loud
b) medium soft
c) medium fast
d) medium slow
mp means
a) medium loud
b) medium fast
c) medium soft
d) medium slow
f means
a) very loud
b) loud
c) very fast
d) fast
p means
a) gradually softer
b) very soft
c) very loud
d) soft
mezzo piano means
a) medium soft
b) medium loud
c) medium
d) moderate
a) gradually louder
b) gradually softer
c) gradually faster
d) gradually slower
Ritardando (rit)
a) suddenly stop
b) gradually speed up
c) gradually slow down
d) hold note until director cuts you off
pp means
a) very loud
b) very soft
c) very fast
d) very slow
ff means
a) very loud
b) very soft
c) very fast
d) very slow
piano means
a) to play softly
b) to play very softly
c) to play with control
d) to play quickly
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