Unit 6- Data Analysis Part I Review Question Preview (ID: 15414)
Honors Algebra II Project By Justin Drozdowski And Karla Molina.
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The sum of the data values over the number of data values is the...
a) range
b) mean
c) median
d) mode
What is the mode of this data set? 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 10, 13, 5, 10.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 13
d) 10
Identify the outlier in this data set: 56, 59, 59, 67, 66, 70, 98.
a) 47
b) 65
c) 98
d) 59
A way to display data using quantities to bound the center box and the minimum and maximum values to form the whiskers is
a) Box and Whisker Plot
b) Graph
c) Chart
d) Data plot
Identify the outlier in this data plot: 3.0, 3.4, 4.5, 2.3, 5.5, 9.8, 3.3, 2.1, 3.0, 2.9.
a) 2.3
b) 3.4
c) 9.8
d) 5.9
Identify the median of the data set: 87, 104, 381, 215, 174, 199, 233, 186, 147, 228, 9, 53, 117, 128.
a) 199
b) 84
c) 104
d) 158
Identify the mode of the data set: 7, 8, 99, 107, 1,238, 1, 9, 10.
a) 7
b) 8
c) 1,238
d) None
What is the range of the data set: 73, 82, 74, 71, 93, 48?
a) 45
b) 47
c) 72
d) 108
What is the range of the data set 13, 14, 18, 73, 20, 43, 59, 108, 29?
a) 97
b) 102
c) 95
d) 45
What is the median of the data set: 19, 32, 17, 28, 27, 42, 31, 12?
a) 23
b) 4
c) 12
d) 18
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