Antigone Question Preview (ID: 15353)
Review Plot Events And Themes From Antigone.
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Creon’s decree that Polyneices shall not be buried is
a) in accord with Greek religious practices
b) popular with Theban citizens
c) rejected by Antigone as a violation of divine law
d) Creon's way of punishing Antigone
Which of the following is NOT a motive for Antigone defying Creon?
a) She wishes to follow the will of the gods.
b) She loves her brother and believes that he deserves a proper burial.
c) She wants to become famous and have personal glory.
d) She thinks that Creon is abusing his power by putting his will ahead of the gods’ will.
What is Creon’s motive for arresting Ismene?
a) He does not want Ismene to marry Haimon.
b) He believes that Ismene is also, at least partly, responsible in Polyneices’ burial.
c) He never liked Ismene and is using any excuse to get rid of her.
d) The Sentry reported that Ismene was with Antigone during the burial.
How does Haimon try to persuade his father to change his position?
a) Haimon tells his father that he will never love another as he loves Antigone.
b) Haimon states that he will destroy his father and all the elders.
c) Haimon reports that the citizens of Thebes feel that Creon’s punishment is wrong.
d) Haimon reminds Creon that Antigone is his niece.
Creon believes that if he changes his mind to satisfy his son that the people of Thebes___.
a) will think that he is too weak to even rule his own child.
b) will think that he is going against the will of the gods.
c) will think that Creon, himself, is in love with Antigone.
d) will think that Ismene has somehow seduced him.
What is Creon’s motive for finally wishing to free Antigone and bury Polyneices?
a) He has been bribed.
b) Ismene and Eurydice plead with him to be lenient.
c) He doesn’t want to risk losing his family and kingdom.
d) He wants to regain his self-respect.
What lesson does Creon learn from this experience?
a) Creon learns that his kingship is the most important thing.
b) Creon learns that only Ismene was a loyal subject to him.
c) Creon learns that his pride destroyed his entire family.
d) Creon learns that he can only depend upon himself for guidance.
What is not a theme in this play?
a) God's law is above man's law.
b) Fate controls people’s lives.
c) Love is blind.
d) Pride causes great grief and pain.
How is Creon a dynamic character?
a) He does not learn that he should obey the gods.
b) He is deeply saddened by Haimon and Eurydice’s deaths.
c) He learns that he should obey the will of the gods.
d) He learns to only listen to prophets like Teiresias.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a tragic hero?
a) A person of noble birth
b) Possesses a tragic flaw, usually hubris
c) Is either always evil or always good
d) Causes their own downfall
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