Afghanistan Language And Schools--Malone Question Preview (ID: 15173)
Research Inspired By The Book The Breadwinner By Deborah Ellis.
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How many letters are in the Arabic language?
a) 28
b) 14
c) 60
d) 34
What is the percent of people who speak Dari?
a) 50%
b) 20%
c) 99%
d) 8%
What is the official language of the Afghanistan government?
a) Dari
b) Pashto
c) Arabian
d) Japanese
Which way do they write their words?
a) Right to left
b) Left to right
c) Up to down
d) Down to up
What language are the Pashto and Dari languages written in?
a) Arabic
b) Dari
c) Pashto
d) French
How many people in Afghanistan speak more than one language?
a) 95%
b) 2%
c) 16%
d) 100%
What were girls prevented from doing?
a) Attending school
b) Playing in sports
c) To teach in schools
d) To coach sports
Schools were shut down because
a) Of the lack of supplies and staff
b) The Great Depression
c) They were building onto the schools
d) of the Civil War
What percent of teens know how to read and write in Afghanistan?
a) 28%
b) 30%
c) 20%
d) 15%
Girls attended school until there were how old?
a) 8 years old
b) 20 years old
c) 12 years old
d) 15 years old
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