Space Review Question Preview (ID: 151)

Review For Space Unit Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What do all the planet have in common?
a) they are made mostly of gasses
b) they have the same period of rotation
c) they are small and have rocky surfaces
d) they have the same diameter

When compared to the gases around them, sunspots are
a) the same temperature
b) cooler
c) hotter

Ancient astronomers thought the _____was the center of the universe (geocentric)
a) sun
b) stars
c) moon
d) earth

A system forms when
a) parts that are exactly the same work together to do a job
b) different parts work together to do a job

All of the following are examples of systems EXCEPT
a) a battery and a bulb and a wire
b) the body's heart and blood vessels
c) a planet and its moon
d) 2 pieces of bread and a piece of meat

The outer planets
a) are about the same size as Earth
b) are Earth's nearest neighbors
c) solid like the Earth
d) larger than the earth and made of mostly gasses

6 out of 15 moons have craters. This is ___%
a) 250%
b) .4%
c) 40%
d) 2.5%

Watching the movement of stars across the sky would be an example of what kind of experiment?
a) Experimental
b) Descriptive

We have many, many stars in our Solar System.
a) True
b) False

When a meteor lands on Earth, it is called a
a) comet
b) asteroid
c) meteorite
d) flare

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