Research Vocabulary II Question Preview (ID: 14701)

Research Terms And ABCs Of Evalutating Websites. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When was the site created?
a) bias
b) currency
c) accuracy
d) authority

Is the webpage under construction?
a) coverage
b) accuracy
c) currency
d) bias

tells us who created the web site (.com, .edu, .net, etc.)
a) currency
b) coverage
c) authority
d) accuracy

check information against known reliable source
a) coverage
b) accuracy
c) bias
d) currency

when personal views are expressed
a) authority
b) accuracy
c) bias
d) currency

when the site is updated and links are active
a) coverage
b) bias
c) currency
d) accuracy

topic is covered completely
a) coverage
b) authority
c) accuracy
d) bias

the target gives us a picture of.......
a) bias
b) accuracy
c) coverage
d) authority

the umbrella gives us a picture of.....
a) currency
b) accuracy
c) coverage
d) bias

the clock gives us a picture of.....
a) currency
b) coverage
c) authority
d) accuracy

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