Igneous Rocks Question Preview (ID: 14679)
Test Your Knowledge About Igneous Rocks.
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An intrusive igneous rock is one that forms
a) when volcanoes erupt
b) from silica-rich magma
c) when magma cools within Earth
d) from lava on Earth's surface
When classifying an igneous rock, scientists often determine its
a) silica content
b) crystal structure
c) extrusive size
d) intrusive size
Intrusive igneous rocks can make long-lasting landforms because they tend to be
a) protected from wind and water
b) easily broken by wind and water
c) harder than other surrounding rock
d) softer than other surrounding rock
Hot lava flows out of a crack in Earth's surface and cools to form
a) large, jagged crystals
b) small pools of magma
c) intrusive igneous rock
d) extrusive igneous rock
Molten rock that has cooled and become solid is
a) igneous rock
b) sedimentary rock
c) metamorphic rock
d) a fossil
Which is the most important in determining the size of mineral crystals in igneous rocks?
a) initial temperature of the magma
b) rate of cooling of the magma
c) silica content of the magma
d) total composition of the magma
Which texture describes an igneous rock with lots of holes?
a) pyroclastic
b) porphyritic
c) vesicular
d) aphanitic
Which texture describes an igneous rock with no grains at all?
a) Porphyritic
b) Vesicular
c) Phaneritic
d) Glassy
Which of the following is an igneous rock?
a) limestone
b) gypsum
c) gneiss
d) basalt
Molten rock that reaches Earth's surface is known as
a) quartz
b) crystal
c) magma
d) lava
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