Fluid Energy Convertors Question Preview (ID: 14601)
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A windmill is an example of a
a) fluid to mechanical energy convertor
b) fluid to thermal energy convertor
c) fluid to electrical energy convertor
d) fluid to fluid energy convertor
A heat pump is an example of a
a) fluid to mechanical energy convertor
b) fluid to thermal energy convertor
c) fluid to electrical energy convertor
d) fluid to fluid energy convertor
A MHD is an example of
a) fluid to mechanical energy convertor
b) fluid to thermal energy convertor
c) fluid to electrical energy convertor
d) fluid to fluid energy convertor
A water wheel is an example of
a) fluid to mechanical energy convertor
b) fluid to thermal energy convertor
c) fluid to elecrical energy convertor
d) fluid to fluid energy convertor
Something that speeds up a process without being consumed by that process is
a) turbocharger
b) pneumatic
c) energy convertor
d) catalyst
A hydraulic motor is a fluid energy convertor that changes input fluid energy to
a) output linear mechanical energy
b) output electrical energy
c) output rotational mechanical energy
d) output fluid energy
Fluid energy can be measured in all of the units below except
a) Nm
b) J
c) ft lb
d) meters
One Btu equals how many joules?
a) 778
b) 746
c) 1055
d) 0.7376
Fluid work can be calculated as
a) volume times pressure
b) pressure divided by volume
c) volume divided by pressure
d) pressure times voltage
In the SI system the equation for calculating kinetic energy is
a) one half times mass times volume squared
b) one half times mass times speed squared
c) one half times mass times voltage squared
d) one half times mass times depth squared
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