Interaction Of Living Things Question Preview (ID: 14537)
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A community is:
a) All populations in an area
b) All living and non-living things on Earth
c) All living and non-living things in an area
d) The number of individuals of a species at a specific time & place
A population is:
a) The number of individuals of a species at a specific time & place
b) All living and non-living things in an area
c) All living and non-living things on Earth
d) All populations in an area
Which of the following is NOT an abiotic factor?
a) A cat
b) A rock
c) Sunlight
d) Water
Which of the following is NOT a biotic factor?
a) water
b) tree
c) bacteria
d) potato
Ecology is the study of:
a) ecosystems
b) life
c) rocks
d) abiotic factors
Which of the following is NOT an example of a biome?
a) Biosphere
b) Tundra
c) Taiga
d) Desert
The biosphere is:
a) All ecosystems on earth
b) All living things in the United States
c) All living things in an ecosystem
d) All living things in a specific area at a specific time
The best term to describe the students, turtles, fish, plants, and Chester is:
a) Community
b) Population
c) Ecosystem
d) Biome
The best term to describe all the students at HSA on Friday is:
a) Population
b) Community
c) Ecosystem
d) Biome
The best term to describe the plants, animals, students, air, water, and desk in Ms. Tester's room is:
a) Ecosystem
b) Biome
c) Community
d) Population
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