EOC Review 1 Question Preview (ID: 14465)

EOC Review 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Water molecules are drawn together because of the attraction between them. This is called:
a) adhesion
b) cohesion
c) heat capacity
d) polarity

Water can climb through a slinder glass tube without any help due to the attraction of the water to the glass. This is an example of
a) adhesion
b) cohesion
c) heat capacity
d) polarity

The oceans regulate temperature around land masses due to water's large_______
a) adhesion
b) cohesion
c) heat capacity
d) polarity

Water is __________
a) polar
b) nonpolar

Salt dissolves easily in water. Salt is a ______.
a) solute
b) solvent
c) polarity
d) cohesive property

Salt dissolves easily in water. Water is a ___________.
a) solute
b) solvent
c) polarity
d) cohesive property

Most macromolecules are formed by the process of _____________
a) lipids
b) carbohydrates
c) polarization
d) polymerization

Small units called monomers join together to form ____________.
a) cells
b) monomer units
c) polymers
d) none of the above

Compounds made up of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms that give animals a source of energy.
a) lipids
b) proteins
c) carbohydrates
d) nucleic acids

Made up mostly from carbon and hydrogen atoms and can be used to store energy. Some are part of biological membranes and waterproof coverings.
a) lipids
b) proteins
c) carbohydrates
d) nucleic acids

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