Elements, Compounds, & Mixtures Question Preview (ID: 14458)
8th Physical Science Chapter 4 Review.
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Which of the following will NOT break down compounds?
a) heat
b) electric current
c) a chemical change
d) filtering
How do elements join to form compounds?
a) randomly
b) in specific ratios
c) in a ratio of 2:3
d) however the scientists wants to do it
If a spoonful of salt is mixed in a glass of water, what is the water called?
a) Solute
b) Solution
c) Solvent
d) Element
What is formed when particles of two or more substances are distributed evenly among each other?
a) Compound
b) Suspension
c) Solution
d) Element
The physical properties of compounds do NOT include
a) melting point
b) density
c) reaction to light
d) color
An element's ability to react with acid is an example of a
a) pure substance
b) physical property
c) chemical property
d) melting point
How could a sugar cube be dissolved more quickly in water?
a) Cool the water
b) Crush the sugar cube
c) Let the cube sit in the water
d) Add more water
Boiling point, melting point, and density are some of an element's
a) nonreactive properties
b) physical properties
c) chemical properties
d) pure properties
A property of an element that does not depend on the amount of the element is called a
a) electromagnetic property
b) finite property
c) unique property
d) characteristic property
What is a pure substance made of two or more elements that are chemically combined?
a) element
b) compound
c) mixture
d) solution
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