Nationalism And Imperialism 3 Question Preview (ID: 14451)
The Following Is A Review Of Chapter 20 Dealing With Nationalism And Imperialism.
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Which of the following occurred because of the Scramble for Africa?
a) Human rights violations
b) Lack of African representation in government
c) Depletion of resources in Africa
d) All of them
Which country resisted the take-over by Italy?
a) Liberia
b) Egypt
c) Ethiopia
d) South Africa
Which of the following was a country that was created by freed slaves from the United States?
a) Zimbabwe
b) Liberia
c) Libya
d) Sudan
Who was able to help Africans deal with their new European rulers?
a) Direct rulers
b) Indirect rulers
c) Missionaries
d) Market Analysts
What would you call Africans who believed in independence and the right to rule their own nations?
a) Nationalists
b) Communists
c) Imperialists
d) Suffragists
Which country fought Great Britain in hopes of ending opium trade in their country?
a) Japan
b) China
c) Argentina
d) Egypt
What is a strict form of racial segragation that occurred in South Africa?
a) Desegregation
b) Deliniation
c) Apartheid
d) Separatism
Which country created a trade monopoly with India?
a) Great Britain
b) France
c) Belgium
d) Netherlands
Which is a waying of ruling in which the imperial power using local leaders to carry out their laws?
a) Direct Rule
b) Indirect Rule
c) Monarchy Rule
d) Extraterritorial Rule
What is a type of colonial rule in which an official from the ruling country administers control?
a) Direct Rule
b) Indirect Rule
c) Monarchy Rule
d) Extraterritorial Rule
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