Growth Of Industry - Chapter 19 Question Preview (ID: 13931)
Multiple Choice For The Growth Of Industry - Chapter 19.
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A characteristic of the free-enterprise system is that
a) stockholders are guaranteed a profit
b) governments control product choices
c) foreign trade is discouraged
d) businesses compete for consumer dollars
In the years immediately following the Civil War, which change was brought about by the Industrial Revolution?
a) More goods were made at home.
b) More people left cities to live on farms.
c) More government regulation was placed on big business.
d) More machinery was used to make goods.
In the late 1800s, rapid urbanization was mainly the result of the
a) shortage of land for new farms
b) federally funded city redevelopment projects
c) impact of industrialization
d) migration of formerly eslaved persons to the West
What was the most significant economic impact of the transcontinental railroads during the late 1800s?
a) eliminating overseas trade with Europe
b) expanding interstate commerce nationwide
c) decreasing the influence of big business
d) rapid rebuilding of the South after the Civil War
One advantage that corporations of the late 1800s had over individually owned businesses is that corporations
a) needed fewer employees
b) hired only skilled workers
c) received the support of labor unions
d) had stockholders who invested money
An increase in the number of factories in the mid 1800s led to
a) an increased dependence on products made in homes
b) an increase in urbanization
c) a decrease in levels of water and air pollution
d) a reduction in immigration from Europe
Which factor contributed the most to urbanization in the late 1800s?
a) assimilation
b) industrialization
c) imperialism
d) nullification
During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the term robber baron best defined a person who
a) controlled large tracts of western lands
b) used ruthless business tactics
c) stole from the rich to give to the poor
d) encouraged the conservation of raw materials
In the late 19th century, critics of big business claimed that monopolies most harmed the economy by
a) limiting competition
b) decreasing the urban growth rate
c) preventing technological innovation
d) failing to keep pace with European industries
Antitrust laws such as the Sherman Antitrust Act were passed by Congress in an effort to
a) regulate the power of big business
b) limit low priced imported goods
c) encourage more immigration
d) provide safer consumer products
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