Databases Question Preview (ID: 13906)
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All the information about staff would be held in a
a) record
b) field
c) table
d) filter
One piece of information held about staff eg First Name would be known as a
a) record
b) field
c) table
d) sort
A collection of information about one employee would be known as a
a) record
b) field
c) table
d) sort
Putting records into alphabetical order of employee surname is known as
a) advanced filter sort
b) filter
c) ascending sort
d) descending sort
Putting records into order of employee age (oldest first) is known as
a) advanced filter sort
b) filter
c) ascending sort
d) descending sort
An advanced filter sort is used to
a) sort records using one field
b) sorting records using two or more fields
c) filtering records
d) querying records
When printing a database you need to
a) export to access
b) export to word
c) export to outlook
d) export to excel
Making changes to a database such as deleting a field is known as
a) editing a database
b) printing a database
c) sorting a database
d) querying a database
Querying a database means
a) editing a database
b) sorting a database
c) printing a database
d) searching a database
Before editing a database it is advisable to
a) print your table
b) sort your tableinto order
c) export your table
d) copy and paste your table.
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