Superlatives Question Preview (ID: 13787)
Complete The Sentences With The Right Option.
TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.
Salad is ............................. food in my kitchen.
a) the healthiest
b) the most healthiest
c) healthiest
d) most healthiest
Sam is .................................. boy in the classroom.
a) the most clever
b) the cleverest
c) cleverest
d) most clever
The cheetah is ............................. animal in the world.
a) the fastest
b) the most fast
c) fastest
d) the most fastest
In this country, August is .......................... month of the year.
a) the hottest
b) the hotest
c) the most hot
d) the most hottest
This is ...................................... film of all.
a) the saddest
b) the sadest
c) the most sad
d) the most saddest
Your village is ......................................... in the region.
a) the windiest
b) the most windiest
c) most windiest
d) windiest
That athlethe is ......................................... of all.
a) the slowest
b) the most slow
c) the most slowest
d) slowest
That comic hero is ..................................... of all.
a) the bravest
b) the most brave
c) the most bravest
d) bravest
How can we get to ....................................... town?
a) the nearest
b) the most near
c) the nearrest
d) the most nearest
This is ....................................... trip of our lives.
a) the most exciting
b) most exciting
c) the excitingest
d) most excitingest
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