Plant Reporduction Question Preview (ID: 1371)

Chapter 24. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the purpose of the archegonium in mosses and ferns?
a) produce eggs
b) produce sperm
c) develop in a cone
d) develop in a seed

In seed plants, what structure transfers sperm from a pollen grain directly to an egg in an ovule?
a) endosperm
b) polen tube
c) pollinator
d) seed coat

What conclusion can be drawn about a plant whose flowers are large and colorful?
a) The plant must be self-pollinated.
b) The plant must be wind pollinated.
c) The plant must be pollinated by insects.
d) The plant must be a gymnosperm.

Vegetative reproduction has NOT occurred when a plant grows from a
a) leaf
b) root
c) stem
d) seed

Which of the following structures do kalanchoes produce for vegetative reproducition?
a) seeds
b) plantlets
c) flowers
d) bulbs

Which of the following structures is NOT used to propagte dicots vegetatively?
a) tubers
b) rhizomes
c) seeds
d) stem cuttings

The life cycle of the ferm is differs from the life cycle of a fern in that
a) the gametophyte is absent in ferns.
b) the sporophyte is absent in mosses.
c) moss spores do not form on leaves.
d) the gametophytes of mosses are green.

What is the purpose of the archegonium in mosses and ferns?
a) produce eggs.
b) produce sperm.
c) develop into a cone.
d) develop into a seed.

What is the main function of fruit?
a) The dispersal of seeds.
b) Pollination
c) Mitosis
d) Meiosis

What is the purpose of flower petals?
a) Protection from the wind.
b) Attract animal pollinators.
c) Allow double fertilization to occur.
d) Allow moisture to form on the anther.

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