Solar System Question Preview (ID: 13701)
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What causes the four seasons on Earth?
a) The 24 hour day length as the Earth rotates around the Sun cause the seasons.
b) The rotation of the Earth causes the four Seasons.
c) The tilt of the Earth's Axis in relation to the Earth's position around the Sun.
d) The tilt os the Earth's axis as it changes and flips when rotating around the Sun.
Which planet has no atmopsphere?
a) Jupiter
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mercury
Which order of the Sun, Earth, and Moon creates a Lunar Eclipse?
a) Sun - Moon - Earth
b) Sun - Earth - Moon
c) There is no such thing as a Lunar Ecplise.
d) Earth - Sun - Moon
Which order of the Sun, Earth, and Moon creates a Solar Eclipse?
a) Sun - Moon - Earth
b) Sun - Earth - Moon
c) There is no such thing as a Solar Ecplise.
d) Earth - Sun - Moon
Which two phases of the moon creates the Spring Tides, the most extreme tides on Earth?
a) First Quarter, Third Quarter
b) Waxing Crescent, Wanning Cresent
c) Waxing Gibbous, Wanning Gibbous
d) Full Moon, New Moon
Which two phases of the moon creates the Neap Tides?
a) First Quarter, Third Quarter
b) Waxing Crescent, Wanning Cresent
c) Waxing Gibbous, Wanning Gibbous
d) Full Moon, New Moon
Which Planet has the most gravitational force?
a) Venus
b) Earth
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn
What kind of Star is the Sun?
a) X-Large, Red
b) Large, Orange
c) Medium, Yellow.
d) Supernova
Which planet has the thickest atmosphere?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Neptune
Our solar system is one in a billion located in our ___________________ .
a) Andromeda Galaxy
b) Irregular Galaxy
c) Eliptical Galaxy
d) Milky Way Galaxy
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