Ch. 11-The Roman Empire And Christianity Question Preview (ID: 13657)
Ch. 11-The Roman Empire And Christianity.
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Where is the Roman Empire?
a) NE
b) SW
c) SE
d) NW
Why was Marcus Aurelis famous?
a) Sociology
b) Roman Numerals
c) Philosophy
d) Chemistry
What was the main reason the roads were built around Rome?
a) So that soldiers could march quickly from town to town
b) So that citizens could travel and vacation
c) So that farmers could transport their chickens to Rome
d) So that the milk could be delivered faster
Describe 3 reasons why concrete is a good building material.
a) lighter, easier to use, and requires less skill
b) lighter, dries fast, and heavier
c) heavier, dries slow, and easy to remix
d) harder, requires skill to use, and less dense
What is the most typical feature in Roman architecture?
a) rounded arch
b) columns
c) steeple
d) bridges
Who benefited from trade with Rome?
a) provincial farmers
b) tax collectors
c) soldiers
d) blacksmith
What helped spread Roman culture around 212 A.D.?
a) Allowing most free men to become citizens
b) Allowing trade at the marketplace
c) Allowing soldiers to march
d) Allowing farmers the right to plant whatever they would like
What was the difference between Greek and Roman sculpture?
a) Roman is more realistic
b) Greek is more realistic
c) Greek only showed the old and poor
d) Roman only show young and beautiful people like they would like to look
Which of the following is a modern languages that developed from Latin.
a) Spanish
b) English
c) Pig-Latin
d) Spanglish
Why do scientist still use Latin?
a) To name animals and plants
b) To use as a secret language so others can't steal their information
c) To name Plants and Cities
d) To name pets and animals
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