Ileap 7th Grade Review 20 Question Preview (ID: 13610)

Ileap Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was granted with the 13th Amendment?
a) abolished slavery in the US
b) set up the precedent of separate but equal
c) gave African Americans the right to vote
d) gave citizenship to African Americans

What was granted with the 14th Amendment?
a) abolished slavery in the US
b) set up the precedent of separate but equal
c) gave African Americans the right to vote
d) gave citizenship to African Americans

What was granted with the 15th Amendment?
a) abolished slavery in the US
b) set up the precedent of separate but equal
c) gave African Americans the right to vote
d) gave citizenship to African Americans

What was established as result of the court case Plessy v. Ferguson?
a) abolished slavery in the US
b) set up the precedent of separate but equal
c) gave African Americans the right to vote
d) gave citizenship to African Americans

What was established by the Jim Crowe Laws?
a) enforced segregation in the southern states
b) gave citizenship to African Americans
c) gave African Americans the right to vote
d) set up the precedent of separate but equal

Who was Jefferson Davis?
a) commander of the Northern/Union army
b) President of the Confederacy after the south seceded from the Union
c) commander of the Southern/Confederate Army
d) 16th President of the US; issued the Emancipation Proclamation

Who was Abraham Lincoln?
a) commander of the Northern/Union army
b) President of the Confederacy after the south seceded from the Union
c) commander of the Southern/Confederate Army
d) 16th President of the US; issued the Emancipation Proclamation

Who was Ulysses S Grant?
a) commander of the Northern/Union army
b) President of the Confederacy after the south seceded from the Union
c) commander of the Southern/Confederate Army
d) 16th President of the US; issued the Emancipation Proclamation

Who was Robert E. Lee?
a) commander of the Northern/Union army
b) President of the Confederacy after the south seceded from the Union
c) commander of the Southern/Confederate Army
d) 16th President of the US

What was the bloodiest single day battle of the Civil War?
a) Fort Sumpter
b) Antietem
c) Bull Run
d) Gettysburg

Which Civil War Battle is known as the turning point of the Civil War?
a) Antietam
b) Gettysburg
c) Chancellorsville
d) Fredricksburg

The belief held by the South that states had the right to not obey a law passed by the Federal Government?
a) Transcendentalism
b) The Great Awakening
c) Manifest Destiny
d) States Rights

Who was the President of the Confederacy?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Jefferson Davis
c) Steven Brekenridge
d) Stephen Douglass

The Main Army of the North was called what?
a) The Army of the Potomac
b) The Ol Grey
c) The Republic
d) The A team

How many people died in the Civil War?
a) 620,000
b) 40,000
c) 245,000
d) 190,000

Which was not an advantage to the North before the Civil War?
a) They had more soldiers
b) They had better Generals
c) They had more railroads
d) Most of the Country's Manufacturing was located there.

The first shots of the Civil War were fired on this Federal Building .
a) Fort Knox
b) Fort Dix
c) Fort Sumter
d) Antietam

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