Chapter 19 Question Preview (ID: 13480)
Ms. Le Vine's Period 7 Grade 6.
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Means to argue
a) Quarreling
b) Plantations
c) Escape
d) Products
Very large farms where crops like cotton are grown.
a) products
b) plantations
c) quarreling
d) Mr. K
Most of our sugar comes from the tall plant sugar cane.
a) Sugarcane
b) Products
c) Plantations
d) quarreling
Means to become free by leaving a person, place, or thing.
a) Confederate States of America
b) plantations
c) Harriet Tubman
d) escape
11 States who left the United States and made their own country
a) Lincoln
b) Northeast
c) Confederate States of America
d) Union
Helped slaves escape to freedom
a) Lincoln
b) Harriet Tubman
c) George Washington
d) Ryan Green
Became President in 1861. He did not like slavery.
a) Mr. K
b) George Washington
c) Lincoln
d) Harriet Tubman
People who lived in the South
a) yankees
b) confederates
c) students
d) southerners
Things made by people or nature. Shoes are an example.
a) slaves
b) quarreling
c) students
d) products
Who wanted to keep slaves?
a) South
b) North
c) West
d) East
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