5th Grade Theme 4 Vocab Pt. 2 Question Preview (ID: 13431)
5th Grade Theme 4 Vocab Pt. 2.
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uncertain and potentially dangerous
a) irrepressible
b) phobia
c) compartments
d) precarious
moving back and forth
a) tendency
b) wispy
c) device
d) swayed
you notice or understand important things that other people may not see
a) hiatus
b) indication
c) insights
d) precarious
a break for a period of time between events
a) industry
b) hiatus
c) tempted
d) baffled
a) vetoed
b) gourmet
c) instinct
d) invasion
separate sections for keeping things
a) compartments
b) unimaginable
c) tendency
d) tempted
a) indication
b) proposed
c) compartments
d) feat
a sign that something exists or might happen
a) wispy
b) precarious
c) indication
d) swayed
impossible to think that something might happen or exist
a) instinct
b) throng
c) embarked
d) unimaginable
much more costly or elaborate than what is really needed
a) prestigious
b) throng
c) extravagant
d) device
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