Ecosystems Test Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 13411)
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Everything on Earth needs energy to survive. This energy comes from ____________________.
a) the Sun
b) water
c) other organisms
d) air
Some plants use the Sun’s energy to make food. This process is known as _______________________________.
a) Photosynthesis
b) Chemosynthesis
c) Consumers
d) Decomposing
Food that organisms make is usually in the form of _______________.
a) sugar
b) bread
c) carbon dioxide
d) salt
Which of the following does NOT describe producers?
a) eats dead organisms for food
b) includes green plants
c) contains Chlorophyll
d) able to make their own food
If organisms cannot use the Sun to make their own food then they must use chemicals in the water to make food. This process is called _________________________.
a) Chemosynthesis
b) Photosynthesis
c) Decomposers
d) Chlorophyll
What are consumers?
a) organisms that use other organisms for food
b) organisms that make their own food
c) organisms that eat only plants
d) organisms that feed off of dead plants and animals
What are decomposers?
a) organisms that feed off of dead plants and animals
b) organisms that eat only plants
c) organisms that make their own food
d) organisms that use other organisms for food
Which of the following animals is an example of an Omnivore?
a) human
b) caterpillar
c) worm
d) tiger
Which of the following animals is an example of a Herbivore?
a) rabbit
b) human
c) pig
d) lion
Which of the following organisms is an example of a Decomposer?
a) worm
b) human
c) monkey
d) spider
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