Active Or Passive Voice Question Preview (ID: 13310)

Students Will Determine Which Sentence Is Active And Which Are Passive. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which sentence uses the passive voice?
a) The bill was passed with an unanimous vote.
b) I usually let my brother play with my toys.
c) Going to the park can be a lot of fun for kids.
d) Yesterday, the old farmer painted the bard.

Which sentence uses the passive voice?
a) My dog loves to go for a walk.
b) We should paint the bedroom this weekend.
c) He wanted to bring his family with him.
d) The sun is totally eclipsed by the moon.

Which sentence uses the passive voice?
a) Dad is going to take us to the movies.
b) I hope you are right.
c) A fun time will be had by all.
d) No movie is complete without popcorn.

Which sentence uses the passive voice
a) The explosion occurred this morning.
b) Sales have increased since last month.
c) We need a new couch for this room.
d) The report was filed in that cabinet.

Which sentence uses the passive voice?
a) We should eat at an expensive restaurant on your birthday.
b) This keyboard does not seem to work anymore.
c) The wind must have blown the tree over last night.
d) The film was going to be shown at the campus theater.

Which sentence uses the active voice?
a) Rico's mother was once the president of the neighborhood association.
b) The test papers were handed out at the beginning of class.
c) No prizes were actually given out by the contest organizers.
d) Unfortunately, the big dance was not enjoyed by most of the students.

Which sentence is in active voice?
a) Was this dinner prepared by Ernesto?
b) Did Ernesto prepare dinner?
c) Ernesto will prepare the dinner.
d) Ernesto is preparing the dinner.

Which sentence is written in passive voice?
a) Paula wrote the winning essay.
b) Paula writes the winning essay.
c) Paula has written an award winning essay.
d) Did Paula write the winning essay?

Which sentence is in active voice?
a) The presents were brought here by your Aunt Noreen.
b) Aunt Noreen brought the presents.
c) Aunt Noreen will bring the presents.
d) Did Aunt Noreen bring the presents?

Which sentence is written in passive voice?
a) You need to clean both bathrooms before Friday.
b) You should clean both bathrooms before Friday.
c) You will need to clean both bathrooms before Friday.
d) You could clean both bathrooms before Friday.

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