Macromolecule 1 Question Preview (ID: 13301)
Macromolecule Quiz.
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What is the function of carbohydrates?
a) Stored energy
b) Quick energy
c) Homeostasis
d) Genetic information
What is the function of lipids?
a) Speed up reactions
b) Quick energy
c) Stored energy
d) Homeostasis
What is NOT a function of proteins?
a) Homeostasis
b) Speed up reactions
c) Build muscles and bones
d) Genetic information
What organic compound contains CHONP?
a) Protein
b) Lipids
c) Nucleic Acids
d) Carbohydrates
What is NOT an example of carbohydrates?
a) Glycogen
b) enzymes
c) starch
d) cellulose
What are the subunits of lipids?
a) Fatty acid and glycerol
b) Amino acid and glycerol
c) Monosaccharide
d) Nucleotides
What do all organic compounds contain?
a) Hydrogen
b) Carbon
c) Oxygen
d) Nitrogen
What are examples of nucleic acids?
a) hemoglobin
b) fats
c) glucose
d) DNA and RNA
What are examples of lipids?
a) Oils and fats
b) Insulin and hemoglobin
c) Glucose and glycogen
d) DNA and RNA
What organic compound contains CHON?
a) Carbohydrates
b) Protein
c) Lipids
d) Nucleic Acid
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