Early Church History Question Preview (ID: 1328)

Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The bishop of Rome became known as the ___________ , a word that means "father".
a) elder
b) deacon
c) presbyter
d) pope

The Roman emperor ___________ called a council to deal with the Arian controversy.
a) Leo I
b) Diotrephes
c) Constantine
d) Valentinian III

The council met in ___________ in the year A.D. 325.
a) Jerusalem
b) Nicaea
c) Rome
d) Hippo Regis

In 445, the Western Roman emperor ___________ recognized the pope as the supreme ruler of all the church.
a) Gelasius
b) Leo I
c) Valentinian III
d) Constantine

What pope was given the title "the Great" because of his great power?
a) Peter
b) Gelasius
c) Valentinian III
d) Leo I

What pope said that, in matters relating to God, leaders of the church are supreme over all human rulers?
a) Gelasius
b) Leo I
c) Constantine
d) Valentinian III

The period after the collapse of the Roman Empire is called the ___________ .
a) Early Church Ages
b) Old Ages
c) Middle Ages
d) Rock of Ages

The New Testament was written in __________ , the most common type of Greek.
a) koin
b) koine
c) koinea
d) koineria

The word ___________ means an assembly or body of people.
a) gang
b) group
c) herd
d) church

The word ___________ means "universal" or "one."
a) catholic
b) sacrament
c) mass
d) canon

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