Soil Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 13207)
Soil Vocabulary.
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condition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind
a) erosion
b) humus
c) loam
d) -
the process by which one rock type changes into another rock type
a) erosion
b) rock cycle
c) humus
d) -
material formed from decaying leaves and other organic matter
a) loam
b) humus
c) sod
d) -
the layer of soil on the surface
a) subsoil
b) topsoil
c) bedrock
d) -
the layer of soil between the topsoil and bedrock
a) subsoil
b) humus
c) loam
d) -
The solid layer of rock beneath the soil
a) subsoil
b) bedrock
c) topsoil
d) -
a layer of soil held together by the roots of grasses
a) clay
b) sod
c) silt
d) -
process in which sediment is laid down in new locations
a) weathering
b) deposition
c) erosion
d) -
fine soil found on river bottoms
a) silt
b) sand
c) clay
d) -
a very fine-grained soil that is hard when fired
a) sand
b) clay
c) silt
d) -
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