6th 17 Lesson Journeys Question Preview (ID: 12714)

The Emperor's Silent Army. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) Scientist who study items from the past
b) copies
c) complex and detailed
d) different

a) different
b) Scientist who study items from the past
c) copies
d) come before

a) complex and detailed
b) different
c) Scientist who study items from the past
d) come before

a) copies
b) complex and detailed
c) Scientist who study items from the past
d) come before

a) come before
b) calm, proud, and stately
c) Scientist who study items from the past
d) the mental, physical, and emotional traits of people

a) to remove by digging
b) calm, proud, and stately
c) copies
d) the mental, physical, and emotional traits of people

a) shining gleaming
b) to remove by digging
c) calm, proud, and stately
d) copies

a) imaginary, relating to myths
b) to remove by digging
c) calm, proud, and stately
d) the mental, physical, and emotional traits of people

a) calm, proud, and stately
b) to remove by digging
c) copies
d) the mental, physical, and emotional traits of people

a) the mental, physical, and emotional traits of people
b) to remove by digging
c) calm, proud, and stately
d) copies

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