Force In A Mechanical System Question Preview (ID: 12634)
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If the length of a gear is 0.5 feet and the force is 80 pounds, how would you find torque?
a) 80 / 0.5
b) 80 * 0.5
c) 80 - 0.5
d) 80 + 0.5
A push or a pull is called
a) vector
b) mass
c) force
d) scalar
A measurement of gravitational pull is called
a) mass
b) scalar
c) vector
d) weight
The total amount of matter contained in an object
a) mass
b) scalar
c) vector
d) weight
What is the formula for torque
a) F * L
b) F - L
c) F+L
d) F/ L
What is the effect of rotational force applied on a body at some distance from its axis of rotation?
a) force
b) torque
c) mass
d) weight
How do we measure forces?
a) newtons
b) grams
c) meters
d) feet
What is another word for the strength of a force?
a) direction
b) motivation
c) magnitude
d) unbalanced
If two forces are acting in the same direction how do you find the net force?
a) subtract
b) add
c) multiply
d) divide
If two forces are acting in opposite directions how do you find the net force?
a) subtract
b) add
c) multiply
d) divide
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