Waves Question Preview (ID: 1236)
Students Can Describe The Characteristics Of Waves.
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Waves in the ocean are caused by all of these except-
a) earthquakes
b) refraction
c) transfer of energy
d) wind
Which of these has the least effect on the height of an ocean wave?
a) speed of wind
b) amplitude of wave
c) distance of wave from shore
d) shape of shoreline
Ocean waves do all of these except-
a) reshape shorelines
b) cause beach erosion
c) transfer energy
d) cause earthquakes
The amplitude of a wave measures-
a) the distance between the crest of one wave and the crest of the next wave
b) how much of a wave bounces back after hitting a surface
c) the number of waves that pass a certain point in a given amount of time
d) how much a wave moves matter up and down from its resting position
A measure of the number of waves that pass a certain point in a given amount of time is called -
a) frequency
b) crest
c) amplitude
d) wavelength
The distance between the crest of one wave and the crest of the next wave is called -
a) frequency
b) trough
c) amplitude
d) wavelength
Mechanical waves can move through all of the following except -
a) air
b) soil
c) space
d) water
The bouncing of waves off a surface is called -
a) frequency
b) longitudinal wave
c) refraction
d) reflection
Which of the following is an example of a longitudinal wave?
a) water wave
b) x-ray
c) sound wave
d) radio wave
Waves that carry a lot of energy have a-
a) high frequency
b) low amplitude
c) high amplitude
d) low frequency
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