6th Grade: Populations, Communities, Etc. Question Preview (ID: 12181)
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A group of squirrels living in the same area is a
a) population
b) organism
c) community
d) ecosystem
The squirrel is part of _________________ which includes a small area of living and nonliving things.
a) an ecosystem
b) a biosphere
c) a community
d) a biome
The dessert, tundra, rainforest, prairie, etc. are all examples of
a) biomes
b) biospheres
c) communities
d) populations
A single squirrel is considered
a) an organism
b) a community
c) a population
d) a biome
Squirrels, trees, bunny rabbits, mice, and flowers all living in the same area are
a) a community
b) a population
c) an organism
d) an ecosystem
Another name for the earth is
a) biosphere
b) biome
c) ecosystem
d) community
A group of all the same species living in a certain area are called
a) a population
b) a community
c) an ecosystem
d) a biosphere
Which of the following includes both biotic and abotic parts?
a) Ecosystem
b) community
c) organism
d) population
Which of the following involves just biotic parts?
a) community
b) ecosystem
c) biosphere
d) biome
What word translate to life sphere or life ball?
a) biosphere
b) biome
c) bioball
d) ecosystem
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