Energy And Power Question Preview (ID: 11539)

Energy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can be _____ from one form to another.
a) sythesized
b) optimized
c) converted
d) communicated

Its major forms include thermal, radiant, electrical, mechanical, chemical and nuclear. What is it?
a) energy
b) power
c) force
d) resistance

Transformations of _______ usually produce some energy in the form of heat, which spreads around by radiation or conduction into cooler places.
a) light
b) temperature
c) energy
d) power

Which of the following energy resources produce electricity using thermal energy?
a) wind
b) oil
c) water
d) soda

Which of the following energy resources does not use a turbine?
a) wind
b) natural gas
c) solar
d) nuclear

Energy cannot be created not destroyed however it can be converted from one form to another. This is the definition for which term?
a) First Law of Thermodynamics
b) Law of Conservation of Energy
c) Third Law of Thermodynamics
d) Newtons 1st Law

______________or heat, is the vibration and movement of the atoms and molecules within substances
a) Radiant Energy
b) Thermal Energy
c) Nuclear Energy
d) Electrical Energy

___________________is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules.
a) Nuclear Energy
b) Chemical Energy
c) Electrical Energy
d) Mechanical Energy

______________________ is energy stored in the movement of objects
a) Nuclear Energy
b) Chemical Energy
c) Electrical Energy
d) Mechanical Energy

_____________________ is electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves
a) Nuclear Energy
b) Radiant Energy
c) Electrical Energy
d) Thermal Energy

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