Freshwater Test Question Preview (ID: 11031)

Test About Rivers, Lakes, And Wetlands. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Color is an example of a ______________________________ property of a river.
a) Physical
b) Biological
c) Chemical
d) Eutrophic

Animals are an example of a _________________________ property of a river.
a) Physical
b) Biological
c) Chemical
d) Eutrophic

Nutrients are an example of a ___________________________ property of a river.
a) Physical
b) Biological
c) Chemical
d) Eutrophic

When wind from storms move ocean water on land that is an example of a ___________________?
a) Ice Jam
b) Coastal Flood
c) Urban Flood
d) Physical Flood

When streets flood because water runoff is not absorbed by cement that is called a _____________?
a) Ice Jam
b) Coastal Flood
c) Urban Flood
d) Street Flood

Floating ice that stops the flow of water caused a(n) __________________________.
a) Ice Jam
b) Coastal Flood
c) Urban Flood
d) Ice Flood

A big tidal wave is called a __________________________.
a) Eutrophic
b) Surge
c) Tsunami
d) Flood

An area that is wet and has plants adapted for wet soil is called a ___________________.
a) Tsunami
b) Eutrophication
c) Wetland
d) Swamp

Why is there more life near the shore of a lake than in the middle?
a) There are more organisms at the shore
b) There are more nutrients in the middle
c) There is more sunlight that hits the bottom which means plants grow and create habitats
d) There isn't more life at the shore- this is a trick question

What is found at the bottom of a lake?
a) Sediments
b) Nutrients
c) Plants
d) All of the these

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