THE JOBS AND ECONOMY -3 Question Preview (ID: 10796)

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a) the amount of power needed to do something- heat something- make something move
b) A rule or law
c) To tell someone it’s ok to do something
d) People who work for the federal government

a) People who work for the federal government
b) the amount of power needed to do something- heat something- make something move
c) Money that is given to a country by the United States- to help them with a problem
d) To tell someone it’s ok to do something

a) People who work for the federal government
b) Money that is given to a country by the United States- to help them with a problem
c) the amount of power needed to do something- heat something- make something move
d) Money that is given to country –business –person federal government

federal workforce
a) Money that is given to a country by the United States- to help them with a problem
b) People who work for the federal government
c) Money that is given to country –business –person federal government
d) Health coverage- paid vacation-dental-vision

foreign aide
a) Money that is given to country –business –person federal government
b) Health coverage- paid vacation-dental-vision
c) How a country or business takes a resource and manufactures it to help heat or move something
d) Money that is given to a country by the United States- to help them with a problem

federal funding
a) Health coverage- paid vacation-dental-vision
b) How a country or business takes a resource and manufactures it to help heat or move something
c) Money that is given to country –business –person federal government
d) Learning about a job at the job site

a) How a country or business takes a resource and manufactures it to help heat or move something
b) Learning about a job at the job site
c) Having resources of energy –don’t depend on another country to help you
d) Health coverage- paid vacation-dental-vision

energy production
a) How a country or business takes a resource and manufactures it to help heat or move something
b) Learning about a job at the job site
c) Having resources of energy –don’t depend on another country to help you
d) A rule or law

on-the-job training
a) A rule or law
b) To tell someone it’s ok to do something
c) Learning about a job at the job site
d) Having resources of energy –don’t depend on another country to help you

energy independence
a) A rule or law
b) Having resources of energy –don’t depend on another country to help you
c) To tell someone it’s ok to do something
d) the amount of power needed to do something- heat something- make something move

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