Adjectives And Verbs Question Preview (ID: 10583)

Adjectives And Verbs. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Choose the correct adjective and the word it modifies, The irate shop teacher refused to dismiss the restless class until the students helped him find his missing finger.
a) irate-teacher, missing-finger
b) restless-class, the-students
c) irate-teacher, restless-class, missing-finger
d) irate-shop, missing-finger

Choose the correct adjective and the word it modifies in this sentence, Young werewolves irritate and embarrass their parents when they braid their coarse hair into dreadlocks.
a) young-werewolves, coarse-hair
b) coarse-hair
c) their-parents
d) irritate-werewolves

Choose the correct adjective & word it modifies, For Thanksgiving dessert, Aunt Erma served her tasty bologna pudding topped with M&M's and chocolate sprinkles.
a) Thanksgiving-dessert, Aunt-Erma
b) tasty-pudding, bologna-pudding
c) Thanksgiving-dessert
d) Thanksgiving-dessert, tasty-pudding, bologna-pudding, chocolate-sprinkles

Choose the correct adjective and the word it modifies in this sentence, During the day, Barney flips burgers, and every night he earns extra cash as a speed bump.
a) flips-burgers
b) extra-cash, speed-bump
c) during-day, extra-cash
d) extra-cash

Choose the correct adjective and the word it modifies in this sentence, Dr. Steinfranken, a dentist who has many issues, calls his young patients little, evil, spittle people.
a) many-issues, young-patients, little-people, evil-people, spittle-people
b) young-patients, little-patients, evil-patients, spittle-patients, many-issues
c) little-people, evil-people, spittle-people
d) many issues, young-patients

Choose the correct action verb in the following sentence, Balfour walked to first base and tripped on his shoelace.
a) walked-transitive, tripped-transitive
b) walked-transitive, tripped-intransitive
c) walked-intransitive tripped-transitive
d) walked-intransitive, tripped-intransitive

Choose the correct action verb in the following sentence, Rayburn forgot his sunscreen, so he covered himself in whipped cream.
a) forgot-transitive, covered-transitive
b) forgot-intransitive, covered-transitive
c) forgot-transitive, covered-intransitive
d) forgot-intransitive, covered-intransitive

Choose the correct action verb in the following sentence, Stockwell unpacks boxes of flip flops on the midnight shift at the toe-wear shop.
a) unpacks-transitive, flip flops-transitive
b) unpacks-transitive
c) unpacks transitive, shift-transitive
d) unpacks-intransitive, shift-transitive

Choose the correct action verb in the following sentence, Stillman hates exercise and loves mayonnaise pies.
a) exercise-transitive
b) hates-intransitive, exercise-intransitive, loves-intransitive
c) hates-transitive, loves-transitive
d) hates-transitive, exercise-transitive

Choose the correct action verb in the following sentence, Tod buried his toad when it croaked yesterday.
a) buried-transitive
b) buried-intransitive, croaked-intransitive
c) buried-transitive, croaked-transitive
d) buried-transitive, croaked-intransitive

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