Animal Plant Cells Question Preview (ID: 1053)

Identifying Organelles On A Diagram Functions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In Figure 5-2A, the job of the cell part labeled 5 is to:
a) act like a barrier
b) contains DNA.
c) make energy.
d) store water.

In Figure 5-2A, the cell part labeled 8:
a) acts as a barrier.
b) makes energy.
c) is the command center.
d) breaks down wastes.

In Figure 5-2A, the cell part labeled 6 is:
a) a ribosome.
b) a lysosome.
c) the cytoplasm.
d) the cell membrane.

In Figure 5-2A, the cell part labeled 1 is responsible for:
a) making proteins.
b) storing water, food, and waste.
c) photosynthesis.
d) making energy.

In Figure 5-2A, the cell part labeled 4:
a) contains DNA.
b) can only be found in animal cells.
c) can only be found in plant cells.
d) stores enzymes used to break down worn out organelles.

In Figure 5-2A, the cell part labeled 2:
a) acts as a barrier controlling what enters leaves the cell.
b) gives the cell its shape.
c) is made of cellulose.
d) is made of lipids and proteins.

In Figure 5-2A, the cell part labeled 7:
a) packages sends materials throughout the cell.
b) can only be found in animal cells.
c) is a tunnel system for materials to be transported.
d) makes proteins.

In Figure 5-2A, the cell part labeled 3:
a) nucleus
b) central vacuole
c) mitochondria
d) nucleolus

Which organelle is responsible for making proteins for the cell?
a) chloroplast
b) ribosomes
c) nucleolus
d) lysosomes

Which of the following organelles can only be found in plant cells?
a) cell wall, large central vacuole, ribosomes
b) cell wall, chloroplast, large central vacuole
c) cell membrane, ribosomes, vacuoles
d) cell wall, chloroplast, small vacuoles

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