Root Word Vocad Unit 1 Question Preview (ID: 1039)

Unit One Root Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

auto means?
a) Self
b) love of
c) wisdom
d) hatred

bio means?
a) center
b) hidden secret
c) life
d) to write

centri means?
a) time
b) the sun
c) dog
d) center

Chrono means?
a) wisdom
b) fear of
c) hatred
d) time

crypto means?
a) hidden secret
b) fool
c) sun
d) wisdom

Geo means?
a) science of
b) earth
c) something written
d) love of

gram means?
a) the sun
b) self
c) life
d) something written

graphy means?
a) science of
b) wisdom
c) earth
d) to write

helio means?
a) center
b) time
c) secret
d) sun

logy means?
a) science of
b) fool
c) hatred of
d) earth

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