Review Game Zone Blog
Below are some articles related to how online gaming in the classroom can be beneficial to the students and provide teachers with a great change of pace the students appreciate.

Using Online Games to Incentivize Education
It’s important that the way we educate our children adapts with current trends. Gone are the days of kids sitting in an uninspiring classrooms attempting to memorize as many facts as possible.
Benefits of Online Games in School
The use of technology in the classroom has been a useful tool for teachers, but more could still be done by teachers to encourage students to enjoy its use and consolidate their learning at the same time.
Online Gaming Can Better your Classroom
Students learn in various ways and the constant exposure of content and subject matter can increase understanding and competency. Studies have shown that integrating various teaching methods, including online games, into the classroom will increase student achievement.
Educational Online Games outdo Educational Books
To some young minds out there, it is still a mystery why we need to have textbooks. Although education in the past twenty years has changed drastically, it is still holding onto some of the most antiquated methods of instruction.
Exams: How Online Games could Change Things
Let’s focus on how an online game turned into an exam could grade a student on specific areas. If we took a student and had them complete a multiple choice section of a science exam, their final grade would reflect their understanding of the topic being tested as a whole.
How Educational Online Games can run a Classroom
A major benefit from educational games solves the issue of a student slowing the class down. With an online educational game, a student can progress and keep track of how well they are doing. Some systems even allow you to track students’ results.
Online Gaming can increases learning growth of Students
The use of online gaming within educational institutions has grown dramatically. Although most online games hold little or even no educational benefit, some games have been found to improve the learning capability in students.
Let your Students Play!
Today students literally have the world at their fingertips thanks to their smart phones. Seeing that our children are wired in this manner, where they don’t have to go through Encyclopedias that may or may not have the most current info, it makes sense that classwork needs to look differently.
Educational online Gaming in the Classroom
Teachers use educational online gaming to supplement classroom instruction and increase student engagement. Increasing student engagement is especially important for students who struggle academically. Those students can be successful through playing games online.
Resources for Distance Learning - Tools to Help
A list of some resources for teachers, students, and parents, that could help ease the transition to distance learning.
How to Write Effective Multiple Choice Questions
An educator must assess their students’ content skills rather than their ability to play the game. The following guidelines will help determine what type of multiple choice questions to craft, depending on the type of knowledge we are trying to assess.
Blogging the Summer Days Away
Summer is in full swing-- kids are enjoying their newfound freedom while parents have started counting down the days until fall. Typically, children spend the first week of summer excitedly rushing from camp to the beach to sleepovers. After the honeymoon phase, however, they will inevitably slump on the couch and proclaim: I’m bored!
How to Review Class Expectations in a Fun Way
We will look at some of the common ways classroom expectations are reviewed with students.
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