Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
Assistive technologies are designed to meet the needs of students:
All of the above
All of the above
Important, nearly universal, and remarkably uniform
academic, cultural, emotional, and social
Cultural uplift, economic advancement, and intellectual development
All of the above
with a primary language other than English who have a limited range of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in En
According to King and Gurian, boys bring the following natural assets to the learning environment:
All of the above
All of the above
Important, nearly universal, and remarkably uniform
academic, cultural, emotional, and social
Cultural uplift, economic advancement, and intellectual development
All of the above
with a primary language other than English who have a limited range of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in En
Morgan (2014) suggested that differentiating instruction to increase student engagement might be achieved by:
All of the above
All of the above
Important, nearly universal, and remarkably uniform
academic, cultural, emotional, and social
Cultural uplift, economic advancement, and intellectual development
All of the above
with a primary language other than English who have a limited range of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in En
According to Alfred Tatum (2006), students four literary needs are:
All of the above
All of the above
Important, nearly universal, and remarkably uniform
academic, cultural, emotional, and social
Cultural uplift, economic advancement, and intellectual development
All of the above
with a primary language other than English who have a limited range of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in En
Gender bias in textbooks (GBIT) is:
All of the above
All of the above
Important, nearly universal, and remarkably uniform
academic, cultural, emotional, and social
Cultural uplift, economic advancement, and intellectual development
All of the above
with a primary language other than English who have a limited range of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in En
English language learners are students:
All of the above
All of the above
Important, nearly universal, and remarkably uniform
academic, cultural, emotional, and social
Cultural uplift, economic advancement, and intellectual development
All of the above
with a primary language other than English who have a limited range of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in En
Alfred Tatum (2006) discussion the notion that powerful text is one that is connected:
All of the above
All of the above
Important, nearly universal, and remarkably uniform
academic, cultural, emotional, and social
Cultural uplift, economic advancement, and intellectual development
All of the above
with a primary language other than English who have a limited range of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in En
Which of the 4 Rs has little to do with learning curricula but contributes significantly to students’ sense of stability and order?
All of the above
All of the above
Important, nearly universal, and remarkably uniform
academic, cultural, emotional, and social
Cultural uplift, economic advancement, and intellectual development
All of the above
with a primary language other than English who have a limited range of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in En
Check it!