August 2019 Global History And Geography II Regents Questions 11-28 Question Preview (ID: 62120)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which claim about modern warfare is best supported by this poem?

a) Soldiers were not as brave as in the past.
b) Technology made combat more deadly.
c) Religion became more central to longstanding conflicts.
d) Scientific research did not supply battle-ready innovations.

The actions taken by Gandhi and his followers, as described in this excerpt, are examples of

a) political espionage
b) economic terrorism
c) collective bargaining
d) nonviolent resistance

Which statement best summarizes the effects actions like those expressed in this excerpt had on India?

a) International support for British colonial rule in India grew.
b) The call for Indian self-government was abandoned.
c) Separatist movements in India ended the fear of oppression.
d) British control of India gradually weakened and ended.

What would be the best use for this pair of maps?

a) to explain why European powers used the mandate system
b) to examine the relationship between fresh water and Arab settlement patterns
c) to understand a reason used to establish boundaries for partition
d) to illustrate the advantages Palestinian Arabs have over Arabs living in Egypt

Which situation was a contributing factor in the decision to partition British Palestine as shown on the 1947 map?

a) mass migrations following the Holocaust
b) decolonization from French rule
c) capture of the Suez Canal
d) formation of the Warsaw Pact

Which historical development led Nehru to promote the policy of unaligned areas?

a) expansion of Cold War blocs
b) political pressure from his Parliament to pursue isolationism
c) partitioning of India and Pakistan at independence
d) internal friction between various Indian ethnic groups

Which countries would be most likely to agree to adopt the policy Nehru is discussing?

a) democracies in Western Europe
b) communist nations in Asia
c) newly independent Asian and African nations
d) satellite countries in Central and Eastern Europe

Which political leader other than Mao Zedong utilized this type of poster?

a) Otto Von Bismarck
b) Emperor Meiji
c) Joseph Stalin
d) Nelson Mandela

The design and use of this poster suggests its purpose was to

a) advertise advancements in Chinese healthcare
b) build support for China’s leader among the people
c) warn the Chinese people about the dangers of capitalism
d) improve the literacy rates of children and adults throughout China

Which historical development is most closely associated with this poster?

a) establishment of special economic zones
b) efforts to confront the opium crisis
c) nationalist rebellions against Qing rule
d) the Cultural Revolution

According to this article by Roff Smith, the goal of Atatürk’s reforms was to

a) prevent the elimination of the civil service system
b) implement a legal system based on religious teachings
c) revive Turkey’s interest in Ottoman-era customs
d) modernize Turkey in the image of European nations

The phrases “deeply conservative population,” “lengthy sentences of imprisonment,” and “a few hangings” suggest that

a) Atatürk’s reforms were eagerly embraced throughout Turkey
b) tensions existed between reformers and traditionalists in Turkey
c) the policy of westernization was abandoned by the Turkish government
d) most Turks preferred punishment to rapid change

The situation described in this passage was part of which historical development?

a) decolonization in Africa
b) growth of nationalism in Southeast Asia
c) regional conflicts during the Cold War
d) rise of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in the Middle East

Which major political event was partially caused by the Soviet war in Afghanistan?

a) Soviet occupation of Hungary
b) building of the Berlin Wal
c) placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba
d) collapse of the Soviet Union

According to Thomas Friedman, why is it surprising that Mexico is being replaced by China as the number two exporter to the United States?

a) Mexico is geographically close to the United States.
b) China’s relationship with the United States has been damaged.
c) Mexico has the world’s strongest economy.
d) China’s industry lacks low-cost manufacturing ability.

In the quotation “First we were afraid of the wolf, then we wanted to dance with the wolf, and now we want to be the wolf,” what does the “wolf” symbolize?

a) an economic powerhouse
b) an exporting country
c) a valuable trade item
d) a low-cost manufacturer

Which issue is most closely associated with the concerns raised in this passage?

a) drought
b) climate change
c) migration
d) widespread famine

In which way have many countries joined together to address the problems described in this passage?

a) signing international environmental agreements
b) supporting the exportation of surplus corn and soy
c) genetically modifying crops to increase production
d) increasing the amount of land under cultivation

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