January 2023 Global History And Geography II Regents Questions 11-28 Question Preview (ID: 62112)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This photograph is most often associated with the term

a) appeasement
b) containment
c) boycott
d) segregation

Gandhi’s activity in this photograph is a reaction to

a) British imperialism of India
b) Russia’s invasion of South Asia
c) India’s nonalignment during the Cold War
d) South Asian famines

Which change resulted from Kemal Atatürk’s actions described in this passage?

a) adoption of anti-Semitism
b) rejection of modernization
c) westernization of Turkey
d) promotion of Islamic traditions

Which claim is best supported by the evidence in this passage?

a) Reforms were not universally accepted.
b) Freedom of dress was allowed in schools.
c) Respect was given to middle-class women.
d) Clothing styles were considered unimportant.

Which historical event most directly infl uenced the development of the 1947 plan shown on Map A?

a) Russian pogroms
b) the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
c) Paris Peace Conference
d) the Holocaust

Which group benefi tted the most from the changes shown on these maps?

a) Zionists and Jewish immigrants
b) the government of Jordan
c) Palestinian nationalists
d) the citizens of Lebanon

Which topic could best be studied by analyzing this excerpt?

a) World War I
b) Russian Revolution
c) World War II
d) Cold War

The wall referred to in this excerpt was used to

a) encourage the spread of capitalism
b) limit the movement of people
c) promote imperialism
d) prevent military cooperation

Which circumstance most likely infl uenced this 1961 speech by Kwame Nkrumah?

a) rapid industrialization of Africa
b) the establishment of Islamic republics in Africa
c) Africans’ growing support for European colonial expansion
d) European political and economic control of the African continent

Which viewpoint is expressed in this 1970 political cartoon?

a) The Soviet Union had fewer nuclear weapons than the United States.
b) The United States paid more for their nuclear weapons.
c) Cost and instability resulted in arms control talks.
d) Both Soviet and American citizens desired production of more weapons.

Which action was a direct result of the event depicted in this cartoon?

a) The Soviet Union sold nuclear weapons to India and Pakistan.
b) The power of the United Nations security council increased.
c) Limits were placed on the number of missiles in the United States and the Soviet Union.
d) China obtained additional nuclear weapons under Mao Zedong.

Which problem is best described in this passage?

a) poverty of factory workers
b) limitations of a market economy
c) slow pace of economic growth
d) domination of foreign investors

Which response is proposed in this passage?

a) creating a mixed economy
b) rejecting all communist policies
c) returning to a traditional economy
d) favoring capitalism over socialism

In this quotation, Nelson Mandela is referring to the end of which policy?

a) self-determination
b) forced migration
c) apartheid
d) urbanization

Mandela’s support for universal suffrage in South Africa led to

a) an end to white minority control
b) mass emigration
c) membership in the United Nations (UN)
d) confiscation of private farms

Which type of social scientist is most likely to use the information shown on this map?

a) economist
b) anthropologist
c) historian
d) sociologist

Which statement is best supported by the information shown on this map?

a) Many African nations manufacture large quantities of clothing for export.
b) Many Asian nations lack the technology necessary for industrialization.
c) United States clothing imports come primarily from Asia.
d) Central America imports the majority of its clothing from India.

Based on the information shown on this map, what can be inferred from the fact that 42% of imported clothing is made in China?

a) Chinese governmental policies support manufacturing for export.
b) The Chinese government enforces strict regulations protecting factory workers.
c) China has strong legal measures in place to protect the environment near factories.
d) The Chinese government encourages exportation to Central America.

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