Module 2 - Earth's Resources Question Preview (ID: 57058)

Earth's Resources. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following BEST summarizes what ALL the minerals in this table have in common?

a) Each of these minerals is considered an ore because they are mined for their usefulness.
b) Each of these minerals is considered a fossil fuel because they all burn to produce energy.
c) Each of these minerals are metals and are useful because they conduct electricity.
d) Each of these minerals share the same chemical and physical properties.

Jimmy's group picked up the first mineral and noticed right away that it fell apart into thin layers or sheets. What mineral did the group look at first?

a) Gypsum
b) Mica
c) Quartz
d) Talc

According to this graph what properties do the top three fuels used after 1975 have in common?

a) Each fuel shares the same physical property - they burn to produce energy
b) Each fuel shares the same physical property - they conduct electricity
c) Each fuel shares the same chemical property - they conduct electricity
d) Each fuel shares the same chemical property - they burn to produce energy

Which of the following is considered a chemical property of Calcite?

a) Scratched by nail
b) White
c) Dull/Glassy
d) Bubbles with acid

Which of the following is NOT a physical property of copper?
a) easily shaped into sheets (malleable)
b) draw into wires (ductile)
c) good conductor of electricity (conductivity)
d) forms a green color when it comes in contact with moist air (copper carbonate)

Which of the following best explains why tomorrow's cars are shifting from steel to aluminium?

a) Aluminum's physical properties including a low density and is very strong.
b) Aluminum's chemical properties including a low density and weigh's less.
c) Aluminum's physical properties including resistance to corrosion and weigh's less.
d) Aluminum's chemical properties including conductivity and resistance to corrosion.

Jonny found that an unknown mineral could be scratched by a nail, but could not scratch glass. Which of the following minerals would it most likely be?

a) Calcite
b) Feldspar
c) Fluorite
d) Mica

Which of the following BEST explains the commodity (natural resource) that has the greatest value?
a) The chemical property to burn and produce energy
b) The physical property to burn and produce energy
c) The chemical property to conduct electricity
d) The physical property to conduct electricity

What are characteristics that can be observed or measured without changing the matter's identity?
a) physical properties
b) chemical properties
c) natural resources
d) all of the answer choices

Which of the following is NOT an example of a physical property?
a) reacting with acid
b) conducts electricity
c) ductile
d) malleability

What are characteristics that describe matter based on its ability to change into new materials that have different properties?
a) chemical properties
b) physical properties
c) natural resources
d) all of the answer choices

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