Module 26 - Celestial Objects Question Preview (ID: 55848)

Celestial Objects. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these is the most likely explanation for the different classification of asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites in the Solar system?
a) Asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites are all located in different parts of the Solar system.
b) Asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites all have different periods of revolution in the Solar system.
c) Asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites all have different periods of rotation in the Solar system.
d) Asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites are all different shapes and sizes in the Solar system.

A moon of Jupiter called Ganymede is actually larger than planet Mercury. Which of these is the most likely explanation for why Ganymede is classified as a moon rather than a planet?

a) Jupiter's moon Ganymede is relatively smaller compared to most other planets
b) Ganymede revolves around a planet while Mercury revolves directly around the Sun
c) Mercury revolves and rotates around the Sun faster than Jupiter's moon Ganymede
d) Ganymede revolves directly around the Sun while Mercury revolves around a planet

Halley's comet last passed Earth in 1986 and is expected to pass Earth again in 2061. Halley's comet travels much farther out in the Solar system than planet Neptune, but planet Neptune takes approximately 165 years to orbit the Sun. Why?
a) Planet Neptune rotates much slower than Halley's comet
b) Halley's comet has a more narrow elliptical orbit than planet Neptune
c) Planet Neptune has a more narrow elliptical orbit than Halley's comet
d) Halley's comet is traveling much slower than planet Neptune

Which of the following best describes a Moon?

a) Celestial object E
b) Celestial object D
c) Celestial object B
d) Celestial object A

Which of the following best describes a asteroid?

a) Celestial object B
b) Celestial object C
c) Celestial object A
d) Celestial object E

Which of the following best describes a Comet?

a) Celestial object C
b) Celestial object D
c) Celestial object E
d) Celestial object B

Which of the following best describes a meteoroid?

a) Celestial object D
b) Celestial object C
c) Celestial object A
d) Celestial object B

Which of the following best describes a planet?

a) Celestial object A
b) Celestial object D
c) Celestial object E
d) Celestial object B

Which of the following are characteristics of some dwarf planets?
a) All of the answer choices
b) Smaller than planets, but larger than asteroids
c) Irregularly shaped
d) Do not have a clear orbital path

Which of the following best describes a meteor?
a) A relatively large space rock orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter
b) A shooting star
c) A small space rock located out in space
d) A small space rock that has reached a planet or moons surface

Which of the following best describes a meteorite?
a) A relatively large space rock located between Mars and Jupiter
b) A relatively small space rock located out in space
c) A relatively small space rock that has reach the surface of a planet or moon
d) A relatively small space rock buring up in Earth's atmosphere

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