Module 19 - Newtons' 3 Laws Of Motion Question Preview (ID: 54937)

Newton's 3 Laws Of Motion. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a) Figure A has more inertia than Figure B
b) Figure A would be harder to stop moving than Figure B.
c) Figure B would be harder to start moving than Figure A.
d) Figure B has less inertia than Figure A.

Using Newton's third law of motion, which trial must have been a mistake?

a) Trial # 2
b) Trial # 8
c) Trial # 4
d) all of the answer choices

Which of the following would be the best controlled scientific investigation to determine how the amount of force on an object affects its speed?
a) Push various objects with different masses at least three times and measure its average speed.
b) Push an object of the same mass with different amounts of force at least three times and measure its average speed.
c) Push various objects with different amounts of force and measure there average speed.
d) Push an object with the same force with different amounts of mass and calculate its average speed.

With the design of his experiment, which of the following is the most testable question?

a) How does the average speed of an object impact it’s mass?
b) Which object traveled the fastest average speed?
c) How does the mass of an object impact its average speed?
d) Which object traveled the slowest average speed?

If all the objects are falling at the same speed. Which object requires the most force to stop?
a) 1g raindrop
b) 2g metal clip
c) 3g paper airplane
d) 4g rubber eraser

A group of students noticed that the average distance a cart traveled down the ramp was greater when the mass of the cart increased. Which of the following would be the best explanation for these results?
a) More massive cart means more inertia
b) More massive cart means less friction
c) Less massive cart means more inertia
d) Less massive cart means less gravity

This graph represents fatality rates (deaths) and belt use (seat-belt) in automobile accidents from 1988-1998. Which of the following best explains why the fatality rate increases when belt use rate decreases?

a) Inertia causes a passenger in a car to stop with a seat belt even though the car stops.
b) Inertia causes a passenger in a car to continue to move side to side with a seat belt even though the car stops.
c) Inertia causes a passenger in a car to continue to move backward with a seat belt even though the car stops.
d) Inertia causes a passenger in a car to continue to move forward without a seat belt even though the car stops.

Which of the graphs most accurately predicts how the mass of a cart impacts it’s inertia?

a) Graph A
b) Graph B
c) Graph C
d) Graph D

Which of the following investigations best supports the claim that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction?

a) Investigation #1
b) Investigation #2
c) Investigation #3
d) Investigation #4

If the swimmer pushes against the water with 250N of force, how much does the water pushes back on the swimmer to push him forward?

a) The water pushes back with a force greater than 250N
b) The water pushes back with 250N to push him forward
c) The water pushes back with a force less than 250N
d) The water pushes back with 250N to push him side to side

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