Module 12 - Catastrophic Events Question Preview (ID: 53995)

Module 12. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Because most organisms around the world including many of the dinosaurs during the Cretaceous period not directly impacted by the Chicxulum asteroid, which of the following best explains why approximately 70% of all species disappeared from the foss

a) Rapid climatic changes
b) Massive earthquakes
c) Widespread disease
d) Increase in pollution

Which of the following is NOT an impact volcanic activities can have on the conditions on Earth and the diversity of its life forms?
a) Very explosive volcanic activity can send ash and dust high into the atmosphere
b) Very explosive volcanic activity can block the Sun for long periods of time.
c) Very explosive volcanic activity can disrupt many of Earth's processes that life forms depend on.
d) Very explosive volcanic activity can cause landmasses to move.

The percent of genera (species) becoming extinct has increased and decreased many times over millions of years. Which of the following best explains why the percent of genera has changed so many times over millions of years?

a) Catastrophic events are natural and affect conditions on Earth and the diversity of its life forms
b) Mass extinctions only occurred due to the impact of an asteroid or comet that affect conditions on Earth
c) Catastrophic events are man-made and have occurred many times over geologic time
d) Mass extinctions only occured due to volcanic activities that affect conditions on Earth and the diversity of its life forms

In 1815, Mount Tambora, a volcano in Indonesia, erupted. It is still known as the most violent eruption in human history. In 1816, there was such a dramatic drop in average worldwide temperature in 1816 it was known as “the year without a summer.” W
a) Lava flows caused an increase in plate movements
b) There was less magma in Earth causing the Earth's temperature to decrease
c) Eruption caused a slight shift in Earth’s axis changing the length of day
d) Volcanic ash reduced the amount of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface

A species is __________ if no members of that species are living.
a) extinct
b) adapted
c) evolved
d) all of the answer choices

What era is thought to of ended by massive volcanic eruptions causing the greatest mass extinction that has ever occurred in Earth's history?
a) Paleozoic Era
b) Mesozoic Era
c) Cenozoic Era
d) All of the answer choices

Which of the following is known to be a result of a large impact event on Earth?
a) All of the answer choices
b) Dust and smoke rise into the atmosphere
c) Rapid climatic changes
d) Dying of many forms of plant life and the animals that depend on them

Which of the following can be a result of volcanic activity?
a) All of the answer choices
b) Changes to the chemistry in the oceans
c) Changes to the chemistry in the atmosphere
d) Rapid climatic changes

Impacts, climate changes, and volcanism can produce sudden and rapid changes to __________ conditions. Many organisms cannot adapt to these sudden and rapid changes resulting in the extinction of those species. When these events are global in na
a) environmental
b) local
c) species
d) all of the answer choices

Which of the following has been known to create dramatic climatic changes on Earth causing mass extinction?
a) All of the answer choices
b) Living organisms
c) Impact event
d) Volcanic activity

Scientists hypothesize that many dinosaurs went extinct during the Mesozoic Era due to the impact of an asteroid or comet. Which of the following statements best explains how an impact of an asteroid or comet could have affected the conditions on Ea
a) An impact could have caused dust and smoke to rise into the atmosphere causing rapid climate changes.
b) An impact could have caused the movement of landmasses causing rapid climate changes.
c) An impact could have increased earthquake activity causing the extinction of most dinosaur species.
d) An impact could have directly hit many organisms causing the extinction of most dinosaur species.

Which of the following best explains how temperature changes during the Cenozoic Era changed life on Earth?

a) Glaciers and cooler temperatures have altered the evolution of many organisms.
b) Hotter climates and lowering sea levels caused diversity on Earth to increase.
c) Colder climates and deeper oceans caused biodiversity to decrease.
d) Human activities decreased temperatures on Earth impacting the evolution of many organisms.

The graph below represents several mass extinctions during the Phanerozoic Eon. Which of the following best explains why these extinction events occurred?

a) Different kinds of natural factors caused major changes in the environment.
b) Disease caused sickness to many types of organisms.
c) Differences in the amount of solar energy reaching Earth.
d) The impact of the human population on many types of organisms.

Catastrophic events including volcanic activities and the impact of an asteroid/comet have affected the conditions on Earth and the diversity of its life forms. Which of the following best explains how these catastrophic events affected conditions on
a) These catastrophic events caused rapid climate changes
b) These catastrophic events caused massive earthquakes
c) These catastrophic events caused the movement of landmasses
d) These catastrophic events caused ocean levels to rise dramatically

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