Digestive System Question Preview (ID: 533)

Testing Over Digestive System Anatomy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Of the following, which organ does food NOT pass through?
a) Pancreas
b) Stomach
c) Small Intestine
d) Esophagus

The mouth and tongue are responsible for what type of digestion?
a) Chemical
b) Mineral
c) Mechanical
d) None of the Above

What is the function of the digestive system?
a) To Filter the blood of wastes
b) To send messages to the brain
c) To break down large molecules in food into smaller molecules
d) to move bones

Wave of muscle contractions that moves food along the digestive system
a) Saliva
b) Peristalsis
c) Esophagus
d) Pancreas

Food passes down this muscular tube from the mouth to the stomach
a) Rectum
b) Liver
c) Pancreas
d) Esophagus

Watery substance produced by gland in the mouth
a) Saliva
b) Peristalsis
c) Esophagus
d) Pancreas

Produces enzymes and insulin
a) Esophagus
b) Pancreas
c) Liver
d) Rectum

End of the large intestines that stores solid wastes
a) Esophagus
b) Pancreas
c) Rectum
d) Liver

Produces Bile
a) Pancreas
b) Liver
c) Esophagus
d) Rectum

How does the muscular system interact with the digestive system?
a) Cardiac muscle pumps blood to the kidney
b) Smooth muscle moves food through the digestive tract
c) Skeletal muscle around the ribs work to help the lungs inhale.
d) Skeletal muscle absorbs oxygen delivery by the bloodstream

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