Health Question Preview (ID: 48053)

Health Unit 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the virtues of Prudence mean?
a) Good Sense
b) Courage
c) Understanding
d) Good and Right

What does the virtues of Fortitude mean?
a) Good Sense
b) Courage
c) Understanding
d) Good and Right

What type of bullying and Harassment deals with excluding others?
a) Verbal
b) Physical
c) Electronic and Digital
d) Social

What type of bullying and Harassment deals with name calling?
a) Social
b) Verbal
c) Electronic and Digital
d) Physical

What type of bullying and Harassment deals with internet?
a) Electronic and Digital
b) Social
c) Physical
d) Verbal

What type of bullying and Harassment deals with pressure to conform?
a) Physical
b) Electronic and Digital
c) Verbal
d) Social

What type of bullying and Harassment deals with cell phones and social media?
a) Relationship
b) Social/Verbal
c) Electronic and Digital
d) Physical

What type of bullying and Harassment deals with Kicking and hitting?
a) Social/Verbal
b) Relationship
c) Electronic and Digital
d) Physical

What type of bullying and Harassment deals with Spreading rumours?
a) Physical
b) Electronic and Digital
c) Relationship
d) Social/Verbal

The person who is not involved in the bullying or harassment, but who sees/hears what the person causing harm is doing.
a) Person being harmed
b) Person causing harm
c) A Bystander
d) A Teacher

The person who uses their power over another person intentionally to hurt them on a regular or on-going basis. Often called a Bully.
a) Person being harmed
b) Person causing harm
c) A Bystander
d) A Teacher

This is the person who is being targeted by someone. This person is hurt emotionally or physically by others words or actions.
a) Person being harmed
b) Person causing harm
c) A Bystander
d) A Teacher

How can schools help to prevent bullying?
a) Build a safe school environment
b) Don't teach the students about bullying
c) Laugh when students tell you they have been bullied
d) Don't punish the bully

Why don’t bullied children speak up?
a) They don't think to
b) They like being bullied
c) They want to be cool
d) They don't want any backlash from the bully

What does the virtues of Justice mean?
a) Good Sense
b) Courage
c) Understanding
d) Good and Right

What does the virtues of Respect mean?
a) Good Sense
b) Courage
c) Understanding
d) Good and Right

Which of the following is a risk factor of a bully?
a) Being new to a school
b) Disobedience
c) Unable to afford 'cool' things
d) Depression

Which of the following is NOT a sign that someone is being bullied?
a) Becoming friends with more people
b) Unexplainable injuries
c) Loss or destruction of possessions
d) Change in eating habits

If you are being bullied, what is the smartest thing to do?
a) Get in a physical fight with the bully
b) Get in the fetal position and cry
c) Walk away
d) Try to make fun of the bully

Which of the following would NOT encourage students to do what they love?
a) Making fun of them for doing something
b) Model how to be kind and respectful
c) Having many different extracurricular activities
d) Helping kids make friends

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