Heat Transfer Question Preview (ID: 46795)

Weather And Climate Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Heat would best be transferred by conduction between
a) a candle and the air.
b) an oven and a glass dish.
c) a stove and a copper pot.
d) water and a wooden spoon.

The name for heat transfer between two solids which are in direct contact or touching one another is ___________.
a) conduction.
b) convection.
c) insulation.
d) radiation.

You are going to use your solar oven to make s'mores: graham crackers, toasted marshmallows, and melted chocolate. When you have completed your oven, you get to eat the s'mores! Your oven converts solar energy into ______ energy to make the s'mores
a) cooked
b) heat
c) light
d) mechanical

Heat from the sun moves through space by the process of
a) circulation
b) conduction
c) convection
d) radiation

What role does heat energy from the Sun play in influencing ocean currents?
a) The higher rate of evaporation at the equator causes water from the poles to move toward the equator.
b) The polar ice caps melt due to the heat of the Sun, causing warm currents to move toward the equator.
c) The colder temperatures at the poles causes water to freeze and expand, pushing cold currents toward the equator.
d) The warm water at the equator moves toward the poles and the cooler water from the poles moves toward the equator.

The method of heat transfer by which the sun energy reaches the earth is
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) solaration

Tim and Dan covered the inside of an open box in aluminum foil. They put a thermometer inside the box. Then, sealed the top of the box with plastic wrap. They put the box outside in direct sunlight. What type of energy will be measured?
a) heat energy
b) light energy
c) chemical energy
d) electrical energy

Which would be best categorized as heat transfer by conduction?
a) Wearing a white shirt to stay cool on a summer day.
b) Cooling a burn on your hand by running your hand under cold water.
c) Feeling the heat from a light bulb with your hand when touching the bulb.
d) Feeling the heat from a light bulb while holding your hand from 6 inches away.

Conduction occurs more easily between solids and liquids. This is because the particles in gases are
a) farther apart and move faster.
b) closer together and move faster.
c) further apart and move more slowly.
d) closer together and move more slowly.

Precipitation will increase in areas where there is
a) less transpiration and less run-off.
b) lower temperatures and more evaporation.
c) lower temperatures and less evaporation.
d) higher temperatures and more evaporation.

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